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Jeff Humpherys

Professor, 2014--presentAssociate Professor, 2009--2014Assistant Professor, 2005--2009
Department of Mathematics, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT.

Adjunct Professor, 2014--presentSchool of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.

Research Fellow, 2015--presentInstitute for Health Care Delivery Research
Intermountain Healthcare, Salt Lake City, Utah

Arnold Ross Assistant Professor, 2002--2005Department of MathematicsThe Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
Post-Doctoral Mentor: Bjorn Sandstede

Research Assistant and Associate Instructor, 1995--2002Department of Mathematics
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.
Ph.D Advisor: Kevin Zumbrun

Ph.D. Mathematics, 2002.Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.
M.A. Mathematics, 1997.Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.
B.S. Mathematics, 1995.Utah State University, Logan, UT.